Wilderness respite
Venabygdsfjellet (Venabygd mountain). Mount Sølenkletten rises in the background.
Mountain brook (2)
Mubekken, Venabygdsfjellet,Norway
Mountain brook
Mubekken, Venabygdsfjellet, Norway
Hidden cabin
Perseid meteors streaking across the Milky Way
Venabygdfjellet, Norway
What's out there...
A little cat pondering the world.
Dance of the spruce trees
Garden Sunset
Framstad, Hadeland, Norway
Pastures Green
Framstad, Hadeland, Norway
After the rain
Grimsdalen with Høgronden (2115 m MSL) in Rondane National Park, Norway
Autumn mist
Røykenvik, Hadeland
Soria Moria
In the far distance a shimmering light: Soria Moria Castle in all its glory.
Gloomy afternoon
Røykenvik, Hadeland
To Autumn
... Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,— ... John Keats
The Old Well
An old well at Venabygd mountain with the characteristic Muen in the background.
Mystic Moon
The hunt is over, Flying blind in the rising pale moon's light, Homeward bound soaring high beneath the mystic silver shrouded moon.