The Walk to Paradise Garden
Homage to W. Eugene Smith (1918-1978)
December light
Hand held vertorama. Three exposures.
Lonesome Road II
Room with a view
Summer Evening
View from the photographer's study window
A Winter's Tale
View from the photographer's study window
Moonlight on the river "Lågen" with themepark "Hulderfossen's" Soria Moria castle
Lonesome Road I
First snow
Rondane, Norway
Moonrise, Hadeland
A waxing cresent moon on the rise in the early December evening.
The burial of summer
Autumn has come to the old church and cemetery at Nes, Røykenvik, Hadeland, Norway
...when autumn leaves start to fall
Admiring nature
A flock of sheep admiring Norway's Sølenkletten mountain (1827 meters ASL) in the distance.
After the storm
Island of Rügen, Germany
Lighthouse "Dornbusch", Hiddensee, Germany
On a 72-metre-high hill on the island Hiddensee in the Baltic, immediately west of Rügen, stands the 28m high lighthouse, which was finished in 1888.
Waning summer
The Baltic island of Öland, Sweden